Whether you are in the Apple iOS or Android smartphone camp, you most likely use productivity apps to make your life easier. And while mobile applications were originally fairly limited, public demand and advancing technology have made it possible for virtually anyone to develop them – with many dedicated to helping users make life more productive and organized. Here are some of our favorites.
Dropbox is perfect for online file saving and sharing. It is a great application to use if you have multiple work locations or are constantly on the go and need files at your fingertips. It is free and easy to use and you can even share files, images or videos from anywhere with everyone on the project. Dropbox also allows you to store up to 2GB of data for free for an unlimited period of time and if you refer anyone to the service, you’ll receive an extra 500MB of extra storage space. This app will work both on Android and iOS platforms.
Evernote allows you to keep notes and to-do lists organized and available wherever and whenever you need them. You can create text, web-clips and PDF notes and you can synch between your computer and mobile devices. Want to share notes between friends and colleagues? Sure, it can do that. With a paid subscription you can also give multi-user editing permissions as well to ensure you’re always looking at the most up-to-date content. This app is compatible with both iOS and Android based platforms.
Bump is an easy and free way to share images and contacts between two devices and has a very user-friendly interface. When you and a friend or colleague both tap “bump” and touch devices with the other user, you will share the relevant content instantly – no email, no texting required. Who knew that sharing could be this much fun? Bump is compatible with both iOS and Android.
TeuxDeux is a simple browser-based application that allows you to keep your to-do list(s) with you at all times. Just keep adding to your lists while on the go and it will automatically synch with your account online. And while you can always organize ideas by day of the week, you also have the option to save these to a “someday” tab in case it’s not something that needs to be addressed in the immediate future but you want to ensure you record it – neat! iOS and Android-compatible. Free.
Dragon Dictation is a great speech-to-text app for when you are on the go and need to write something down or if you think of something in the middle of the night. Just like you would with Siri, talk (“dictate”) into your phone and the Dragon app will turn your speech into text on it’s simple text pad interface. Best of all, it’s free and you can then share this app-produced text via Facebook, Twitter, text message, and/or email with the click of a button. Only iOS compatible.
Do you have any other productivity apps that you can’t live without?