The smartphone industry is extremely competitive, and the top manufacturers are always trying to outdo one another. The most recent evidence of this phenomenon lies in the release of the iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S4, which both hit the market within the last few months. While choosing one phone over the other is often a matter of preference, you can get a better idea of which phone might be best for you by comparing the primary characteristics and specifications of these two products.
The Apple iPhone 5 and Galaxy S4 possess several similar specifications. Both phones come with:
• Option of 16, 32 or 64 GB of storage
• Rear and front facing video cameras
• Equipped with GPS
• Same version of Bluetooth
Some of the major differences you will see include:
Operating System
The newest Apple iPhone uses the iOS 6.1.2, while the Samsung Galaxy S4 uses the latest version of the Android operating system, known as "Jelly Bean." Both of these operating systems represent the best in the market. However, Apple's operating system is easier to learn and understand than the Jelly Bean, especially for users who are new to smartphones.
Applications for the Apple iPhone 5 are available from the Apple App Store, while applications for the Galaxy S4 come from the Google Play Store. The Apple App Store is still the best in terms of the number of applications available for purchase, but the Google Play Store is rapidly gaining ground. Soon, the two stores will offer a similar number and variety of applications for smartphone users.
Screen Size and Weight
Screen size is one of the features for which the Galaxy S4 has the advantage. The Galaxy S4's screen is much larger than that of the Apple iPhone 5, with screen sizes of 5 and 4 inches respectively. However, at 4.59 oz, the Galaxy S4 also weighs more than the Apple iPhone, which weighs only 4 oz.
The screen resolution of the Galaxy S4 is expected to be superior to that of the iPhone 5. The S4's resolution is impressive at 1920 by 1080 pixels, while the iPhone's resolution is 1136 by 640.
Both phones include front and rear facing cameras with decent resolution. However, while the iPhone's front and rear facing cameras feature resolutions of 8 and 1.2 megapixels respectively, the Galaxy S4's front and rear facing cameras have superior resolutions of 13 and 2 megapixels.
In addition, the Galaxy S4 is unveiling several new features, including Sound and Shot, which allows users to capture sound and still images simultaneously, and Dual Camera, which allows users to combine shots captured from both the front and rear cameras.
Processor Speed
The final point of comparison between these two phones involves the speed of the processor. While the Apple iPhone's processor offers a respectable speed of 1 GHz, the Samsung Galaxy S4 nearly doubles this speed at a whopping 1.9 GHz.
For most of the diehard Apple fans, choosing between these two phones is a no-brainer. The Apple App Store is better established, and the smaller, lighter phone is easier to hold and carry than the S4. However, when you compare the specifications, there are also several characteristics that could make the Samsung Galaxy S4 a better choice for many other smartphone users. The screen is much larger, allowing for better gameplay and easier visibility. The Galaxy S4's screen and camera resolutions are also better than the resolutions available on the iPhone, thus offering a richer viewing experience, better pictures and superior videos. Finally, the Galaxy S4's processor speed is clearly better than that of the iPhone, which provides users with faster, more efficient operations.
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