Posts Tagged ‘screen protector’

Motorola Droid 4 Skin

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

We will have the Droid 4 Skins shortly.

Sign up on our web site to be notified when we start accepting orders for the Motorola Droid 4 Skins.

Affordable clear Skins that provide invisible protection for your shiny new device!

HTC Titan and HTC Rezound

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

We will have Skins for the HTC Titan and the HTC Rezound soon.

Need to protect you shiny new Smartphone?  Check out our great Skins providing invisible protection at an affordable price.

HTC Rezound

Send us an email or click the link on the device page to be notified when the Skins are released for shipment.

Last Day - 25% off + Free Shipping!

Wednesday, December 14th, 2011

Apple iPad 2

Last Day of the Holiday Sale from Best Skins Ever.

Great invisible protection for your hand-held electronic device.

Check out our Skins for iPhones, iPads, MacBooks, Google Samsung Galaxy Nexus devices and more!

Google Samsung Galaxy Nexus Skin - the Euro / GSM version

Friday, December 9th, 2011

Best Skins Ever has the Google Samsung Galaxy Nexus Skin (the Euro / GSM version Skin) shipping by Monday, December 12th!

Note: We have not yet confirmed that this Skin will fit the Verizon LTE version.

If you place your order before Verizon LTE compatibility confirmation is made, we are happy to exchange the Skin if a design change is necessary.

On Sale for a short period of time!

Accepting Orders for the Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket

Wednesday, November 30th, 2011
Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket

Best Skins Ever is now accepting orders for the Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket Skins for shipment by December 2, 2011!  They are on sale for a short period of time.

Cyber-Monday is the Last Day of our Sale! Up to 40% off Skins.

Monday, November 28th, 2011

Great savings from Best Skins Ever through 11/28/11.

Save 10% when you spend $10 or more.

Save 20% when you spend $20 or more.

Save 30% when you spend $30 or more.

Save 40% when you spend $40 or more.

Discounts are applied during check-out.

Apple iPhone 4S

Motorola Droid Bionic

Saturday, November 12th, 2011

Now shipping the Motorola Droid Bionic Skin from Best Skins Ever.  Quality designs and great protection at an affordable price for your Android phone.

Motorola Droid Bionic BSE Skin

Best Skins Ever Facebook & Twitter Fans - 11/11/11 Sale! - 1 Day Coupon Code!

Friday, November 11th, 2011

Check out our Facebook or Twitter pages for the coupon code for the Best Skins Ever 1 day 11/11/11 Sale!

11% discount on your Skins purchase plus free shipping on your 11/11/11 order with this coupon code!  Be sure to go to your BSE shopping cart and enter the coupon code.

11/11/11 - once in this century sale from Best Skins Ever!

Apple MacBook Pro 17 inch Total Body Skin

Shipping 17 inch MacBook Pro Skins !

Friday, November 4th, 2011

Thanks to another great customer, BSE now offers Skins for the MacBook Pro 17 inch (2009 - 2011) laptop!

On sale for a short period of time and available for immediate shipment (Mon - Fri).

Invisible protection for your Apple MacBook Pro 17 inch with Thunderbolt technology from Best Skins Ever.  Precision designs and everyday affordable prices.

MacBook Pro 17 inch (2009 - 2011) Skins

Amazon Kindle Fire Skin from BSE!

Friday, October 21st, 2011

A BSE Skin for the upcoming Amazon Kindle Fire will be available!  We will start accepting Kindle Fire Skin orders before the device launch, currently scheduled for November 15th.

Watch for new postings, send us an email or sign up on our web site at the “Notify me about updates” for automatic notifications on the Kindle Fire.

Amazon Kindle Fire