Posts Tagged ‘MacBook Skins’

Screen Protectors for Gadget Junkies

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

Being a gadget junkie is hardly a new trend. As long as we’ve had thumbs and pockets, people have been obsessed with some sort of hand-held toy. If you are a gadget person, you know the passion goes way back to your childhood. In another time, gadget junkies were found with pockets full of cards, dice and marbles. Being a modern-day junkie means your fascination with gadgets may have been triggered by your first Kodak Instamatic camera or cassette player. Remember the desire for that first portable video game with nothing more than red lines to represent the football players? How many hours did you spend alone with nothing but your thumbs and your imagination?

While the graphics may have gotten better the premise is the same. It’s easy to see the connection between your first View-Master and Etch-a-Sketch and the latest 16-megapixel digital camera and iPad.

When you were a kid, companies such as Mattel and Fisher Price and didn’t create your obsession, they simply fed it. However, they did give people an unreasonable expectation of gadget safety. The plastic cases of early handheld video games and other toys were perfect for kids. They could fall down the stairs, flop around the neighborhood in a wagon full of rocks and even survive your little brother or sister. Gadgets today are a little more fragile and cost a lot more to buy.

As gadget junkies grow up, the only thing that really changes about them is the price of their toys. Given the prices to replace those toys, the typical junkie will go to extremes to keep them pristine. You probably know someone who won’t put their phone in their pocket lest it come in contact with loose change or a set of keys.
The problem has grown so much that the small sleek devices gadget junkies adore are being covered up by bulky padded covers and protectors increasing the size and weight of the devices, all in the name of protection.
It doesn’t have to be like that. Thanks to Best Skins Ever, gadget junkies get the protection they require with no extra weight or padding. Slip on these protective, clear skins to all your devices and they’ll look as immaculate as the day they came out of the box and stay that way for as long as you own them.

No longer will you have to treat your toys as fragile objects. You can finally play with them as much as you want and know they will remain unspoiled by nicks and scratches.

Given the obsessive nature of the gadget junkie you’ll want one for every one of your devices from cell phones skins, to iPod skins, to  tablet skins and MacBook Screen Protectors. Best Skins Ever also offers protective skins for a wide variety of devices such as digital camera display covers and headphone skins.

Go live your life free from the fear of damaging your gadget. However, until they find a way to put a skin around their hands, you might still want to keep your toys out of the hands of your kids.

Best Skins Ever: Gadget Round Up

Monday, February 6th, 2012

Welcome to February’s Best Skins Ever Gadget round up. Here, we bring you the latest and hottest news, rumors, stories and trends for your favorite electronics that we are committed to protecting.

iPhone: Apple feels no need to offer lower cost iPhone (CNET)

After meeting with Apple CEO Tim Cook and Chief Financial Officer Peter Oppenheimer, Citigroup analysts discussed the smartphone market with the two executives. So if the iPhone isn’t getting any cheaper, maybe this is a good time to make sure you keep it free of blemishes.

Recommended Product: iPhone Skin.

iPad & MacBook: U.S. viewers can watch Super Bowl on Mac (Macworld)

Viewers from around the world tuned in to watch Super Bowl XLVI this year. But iPad & MacBook owners in the US were able to stream the event live, thanks to NBC. With new operating systems expected to come out in 2012, this should be the year you invest to protect your gadgets.

Recommended Products: iPad Skin or a MacBook Skin.

Tablets: Kindle Fire owners happy with device, though iPad users happier (Digital Trends)

And so the Tablet Wars begin. With Amazon’s winter debut of the Kindle Fire, results are now coming in showing that while more Apple Users say they’re happy with their tablet, Kindle Fire owners came in a very close second.

Recommended Product: Kindle Fire Skin

Clear Skins for your Electronics: More Than Just Scratch Guards

Tuesday, January 31st, 2012

With features like email, internet access, games, instant messengers, texting and video chat in addition to regular calls, cell phones are a must-have personal assistant for many people. iPads, iPods, laptops…there are lots of awesome electronics out there, with awe-inspiring price tags to match. Fine gadgets are an investment-and that’s why it makes so much sense to spend a few dollars more and protect them with electronic skins like the Best Skins Ever.

What Electronic Skins Do
Cell Phone Screen Protectors
, iPad Skins, Laptop Covers and other electronic skins guard your cutting-edge piece of technology from the following:
•    Scratches
•    Fingerprints
•    Dust
•    Wear and tear
Yes, in addition to the things they are most known for—protecting against scratches and dust—cell phone skins can lengthen an item’s lifespan. Just imagine using your new cell phone for months or years and having it stay looking shiny and brand new day after day. Best Skins Ever provide an invisible layer of long-lasting, extremely durable protection.

Not All Skins Are Made the Same

Though most skins will promise the same kind of things, not all skins are made the same. Lower-quality skins can become cloudy after awhile, especially screen protectors, and less scratch-resistant skins can start looking battered when they go through too much wear and tear. It’s important not only to choose a skin that fits your device well, but also a high-quality skin that will last a long time. Your device is worth the careful consideration!

Why Best Skins Ever Are the Best

Best Skins Ever are a step above the other iPod skin, iPad Screen Protector and even Macbook Screen Protector options out there for several reasons:
1.   Quality. Best Skins Ever are designed to be semi-permanent protection for electronics, and can endure months or years of nonstop use without getting cloudy.
2.    Stealth. You chose your phone or iPad because you love how it looks and functions, so why choose a phone skin or iPad skin that changes any of that? Best Skins Ever’s protective,  iPhone Clear Covers don’t get in the way of using your electronics.
3.    Fit. Unlike many electronic skins for phone styles, Best Skins Ever is made to fit individual phone makes and models like gloves.
4.    Simplicity. Applying or removing Best Skins Ever is very straightforward, and there are detailed instructions on how to do it. These skins are easily removable from any electronic device and will leave it looking clean.
5.   Affordability. Significantly less than the price of the average electronic skins, Best Skins Ever are affordable enough to protect every important electronic in the house. With high-quality, rave reviews and a long lifespan, it’s hard to justify paying more for other skins.

Staying On the Cutting Edge

Every day, new awesome gadgets are released, and all of them need protection from wear and tear. That’s where Best Skins Ever come in, providing custom-made skins for new electronics fast—some even on the day the item is released! Protecting a new device from day one is the absolute best way to ensure that it stays shiny and scratch-free, so look into a high-quality electronic skin today.