Posts Tagged ‘Camera Display Covers’

Screen Protectors for Gadget Junkies

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

Being a gadget junkie is hardly a new trend. As long as we’ve had thumbs and pockets, people have been obsessed with some sort of hand-held toy. If you are a gadget person, you know the passion goes way back to your childhood. In another time, gadget junkies were found with pockets full of cards, dice and marbles. Being a modern-day junkie means your fascination with gadgets may have been triggered by your first Kodak Instamatic camera or cassette player. Remember the desire for that first portable video game with nothing more than red lines to represent the football players? How many hours did you spend alone with nothing but your thumbs and your imagination?

While the graphics may have gotten better the premise is the same. It’s easy to see the connection between your first View-Master and Etch-a-Sketch and the latest 16-megapixel digital camera and iPad.

When you were a kid, companies such as Mattel and Fisher Price and didn’t create your obsession, they simply fed it. However, they did give people an unreasonable expectation of gadget safety. The plastic cases of early handheld video games and other toys were perfect for kids. They could fall down the stairs, flop around the neighborhood in a wagon full of rocks and even survive your little brother or sister. Gadgets today are a little more fragile and cost a lot more to buy.

As gadget junkies grow up, the only thing that really changes about them is the price of their toys. Given the prices to replace those toys, the typical junkie will go to extremes to keep them pristine. You probably know someone who won’t put their phone in their pocket lest it come in contact with loose change or a set of keys.
The problem has grown so much that the small sleek devices gadget junkies adore are being covered up by bulky padded covers and protectors increasing the size and weight of the devices, all in the name of protection.
It doesn’t have to be like that. Thanks to Best Skins Ever, gadget junkies get the protection they require with no extra weight or padding. Slip on these protective, clear skins to all your devices and they’ll look as immaculate as the day they came out of the box and stay that way for as long as you own them.

No longer will you have to treat your toys as fragile objects. You can finally play with them as much as you want and know they will remain unspoiled by nicks and scratches.

Given the obsessive nature of the gadget junkie you’ll want one for every one of your devices from cell phones skins, to iPod skins, to  tablet skins and MacBook Screen Protectors. Best Skins Ever also offers protective skins for a wide variety of devices such as digital camera display covers and headphone skins.

Go live your life free from the fear of damaging your gadget. However, until they find a way to put a skin around their hands, you might still want to keep your toys out of the hands of your kids.