Posts Tagged ‘Best Skins Ever’

HTC One X Skin On Sale

Friday, April 27th, 2012

Now shipping the HTC One X Skin from Best Skins Ever.

On Sale for a short period of time.

The protection you need for your shiny new device to keep those scratches off that occur from daily use.

Screen Protectors for your eReader

Friday, April 20th, 2012

Electronic devices like eReaders are helping to change the world, and open up brand-new possibilities for users of all ages. While your multi-function smartphone may be a little too much for your parents or grandparents to handle, pretty much anyone can figure out how to use a Kindle, Nook or any of the other eReaders that bring the written word to the device-using masses. However, owning an eReader doesn’t make them experts, and that’s why protective skins are so important. Have you ever tried reading a book with a ripped page? Imagine what it would be like if every page was ripped.

Electronic Reading

The eReader craze has flooded the market with brand-new material, opening the world up to a wealth of new writing and entertainment that was never available before. From classics to underground fiction, it’s possible to download just about any kind of book onto an eReader device -— and the world is paying attention. The Nook, the Kindle and the many other eReaders out there are becoming the must-have tablet devices of gadget lovers and readers everywhere.

Even those who aren’t electronics-savvy can be book fans who want a little reading material, and few electronic devices are as simple to use as an eReader. However, not everyone knows how to keep those electronic devices safe. It’s just like owning a car — you can’t buy one and suddenly become a great driver. And you can’t buy an eReader and magically become an electronics expert. Thankfully, there are real experts out there who know how to help.

Tablet Skins

New apps available on eReaders make them function more like tablets, which can be used to do everything from reading books to surfing the web. But no matter what you’re doing, you want to protect that device. Casual finger-flicking through pages can become extremely damaging if you’ve got a hangnail, a ragged edge on a fingernail, a diamond ring that flipped itself around the wrong way. When you’re in the middle of some fascinating reading material, what are the odds that you’re going to notice something so small?

Just one casual movement, and that diamond can tear a scratch right across your screen. That nail can create a jagged mark. Suddenly, every single page of that fascinating ebook has a blemish right across it. Reading isn’t so fun now. All of this can be avoided…with the right tablet skin to protect you.

eReader Screen Protectors actually guard against scratches. The scratch-proof skins resist abrasions, wear and tear to keep that screen crystal clear. If you think that skins are just something for decoration, you’re wrong. The right screen protectors aren’t just made for putting fun colors and detailed designs on your favorites electronic device, they actually protect them from general use and unexpected scratches. Whether you get a full tablet skin or just the protective screen cover, get something to keep your eReader looking perfect. Because what good is an electronic book, when the pages can still look ripped and weird when you’re trying to read them?

Nikon Screen Skins

Thursday, April 19th, 2012

Best Skins Ever offers a variety of camera Skins.  Our latest addition is the Nikon D3100 Screen Skin which is on sale for a short period of time.

If you can’t find the camera Skin you are looking for, or any other device for that matter, contact our Customer Support team regarding our Custom Skin program.

Lenovo Skins

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

Looking for invisible protection for your Lenovo ThinkPad X201 screen or IdeaPad Z570.  Check out our new product offering of Skins for for the user on the go. On sale for a short period of time.


Last Day - Tax Refund Sale

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

Free Shipping

plus 10% off all Products.

Best Skins Ever Tax Refund Sale.

Protect your gadgets before it’s too late!

Today is the last day,

Tuesday, April 17th.

Tax Refund Sale

Monday, April 16th, 2012

Free Shipping

plus 10% off all Products.

Best Skins Ever Tax Refund Sale

Monday, April 16th

and  Tuesday, April 17th


Nook Tablet Skins Now Shipping

Tuesday, March 20th, 2012

The Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet Skins are on Sale at Best Skins Ever for a short period of time.

The clear protection you have all been waiting for from Best Skins Ever.

Thanks Ramiro for the assist in bringing this Skin to market.

Last Day to pre-order The New iPad 3 Skins with Free Shipping

Friday, March 16th, 2012

Order the iPad 3 Skin today and get free shipping.

Choose between the WiFi + 4G Skins or the WiFi Only Skins.

Clear protection for all of your iPads.

Free shipping on all iPad Skins - through March 16th.

Apple iPad 2

Apple iPad

Sony PlayStation Vita Skins

Thursday, March 15th, 2012

For the gamers on the go….. get the affordable, transparent PlayStation Vita Skins

from Best Skins Ever.

Our clear Skins provide the protection you want

without altering the look and feel of your new Vita.

The New iPad 3 Skins - Pre-Order and get Free Shipping

Wednesday, March 14th, 2012

If you have made the decision to get Apple’s New iPad, you are right in thinking about having it protected.  We offer an affordable, transparent way to protect your device from everyday use while keeping it like new.  We offer Skins for The New iPad in both the WiFi + 4G and the WiFi only.   A great way to protect your device and keep it crystal clear.

Free Shipping for all iPad orders through March 16th.