Posts Tagged ‘Amazon’

Kindle Skin Now Shipping

Sunday, January 1st, 2012

We have added the Kindle Skin to our product offering.

On Sale for a short period of time.

Invisible protection for your eReader from Best Skins Ever.

Amazon Kindle Skin

Amazon Kindle Fire - Skin Orders

Wednesday, November 16th, 2011

Available for a special low introductory price for a short period of time from Best Skins Ever.  We are now accepting orders for the Amazon Kindle Fire with shipments on or before Monday, November 21st.

Amazon Kindle Fire Skin from BSE!

Friday, October 21st, 2011

A BSE Skin for the upcoming Amazon Kindle Fire will be available!  We will start accepting Kindle Fire Skin orders before the device launch, currently scheduled for November 15th.

Watch for new postings, send us an email or sign up on our web site at the “Notify me about updates” for automatic notifications on the Kindle Fire.

Amazon Kindle Fire