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  • Status Update: iPhone 6S 6S Plus Skins and Screen Protectors

    Update:  All 6S kits are now shipping!

    If you've preordered a new iPhone 6S or iPhone 6S Plus you're probably excited to get your protection accessories ordered.  If you're looking to get a new BSE Skin from us unfortunately we're going to make you wait just a bit.

    The new iPhones are slightly bigger than last years models.  According to Apple it's up to 0.2 millimeters in some dimensions.  That might not sound like much but our kits are designed to a very tight tolerance and we often make adjustments that measure less than 0.1 millimeter.

    Screen Shot 2015-09-18 at 4.49.34 PM

    As such, we will have the new iPhone Skins up for preorder shortly and we will update this post when we do but we won't be able to ship until after launch day, September 25th, when we can test fit the kits on the new phones.

    At this point we don't have any reason to believe it won't work but we do also want to confirm that the new 3D Touch screen feature works without issue with our screen Skins applied.

    To be fair, our current iPhone 6 Skins should fit the new models fairly well but probably not as perfect as we would prefer.  If you do decide to order an iPhone 6 Skin for your new 6S model, from us or someone else, just be aware that it hasn't actually been tested to fit the new models.

    We only want to offer you guys the best products that meet our standards so we thank you for your patience.

  • Never Recycle Your Cell Phone Without Considering These 4 Things

    recycling symbol

    Recycling your cell phone is a great way to be eco-friendly and get rid of some clutter. If you kept your cell phone in a skin, it is likely in great condition to be reused by someone else. However the process is not as cut and dry as simply dropping off the phone. For your own protection, there are a few steps that should be taken before handing over the goods for proper disposal. Continue reading

  • What Is a Phablet?

    The Phablet Trend

    If you have an internet connection, you already know that mobile devices are the red-hot royalty of modern technology. Pocket-sized smartphones and slim tablets are everywhere, offering on-the-go mobility and convenient touch-screen technology that is slowly replacing everything from books to laptop computers. So what's next on the mobile device forefront?

    According to Reuters, the hot new thing is already here and steadily gaining traction: the phablet. Major manufacturers from Nokia to Samsung have jumped on board this new mobile trend, and users are clamoring for the convenience it offers.
    Continue reading

  • Most Unexpected Plans for Interactive Tech in 2014

    tech 2014For years, technology has always fascinated us, and rightfully so! Some of the greatest feats in human history have been made possible due to the advancement of technology. Sometimes, these accomplishments are the tech developments themselves! Now, many major tech developers are improving on what’s already been created. The latest innovative technological jump has been interactive technology.

    From games, to menus, to books, and more, interactive technology is slowly being integrated into each facet of our lives. Let’s take a look at what recent developments in tech have taken place over the past few months. Continue reading

  • What Technology Has 2014 Brought Us So Far? – A Q1 Tech Check-In

    Various types of new technology released in 2014At many of last year’s tech shows, we got a preview of what was on the horizon for 2014. Well, now that the first quarter of the year has passed, it’s time to check in on the 2014 technology updates.

    Wearable Tech


    This has been a major point of focus for manufacturers around the world this past year. The more we make use of technology to help with our day-to-day activities, the more advances we see with wearable technology. Advances are being made each day, but let's take a look at some of the wearable tech options that are available to us now. Continue reading

  • Wet Phone? Keep Calm, and Follow These Instructions


    PLUNK! If you hear this sound, it’s time to act – fast! Saving your cellphone from a watery grave is possible with the right knowledge. Best Skins Ever is here to help with step-by-step instructions on how to dry (and save) your wet cell phone.

    1.   Remove the phone from water.

    This is arguably the most important step in the process. The more time your device spends in water, the less luck you’ll have rescuing it. DO NOT TURN THE PHONE ON! After a drop like this, you’ll be more than tempted to see if the phone works (trust us, we understand). The problem here is that the device could short circuit if it’s activated. It is best just to turn it off for now. Also, wipe away any excess water from the phone’s surface. Continue reading

  • The Good, the Poor and the Broken: Reselling Your Cell Phone

    Tips on How to Sell your Old PhoneIn this economy, we’re all looking for ways to save a few bucks and stay within our own budgets. You want to try to sell your old phone to come up with some fast cash to get that upgrade you’ve been eyeing, but how are you going to do it? Do you know where to sell, what people are looking for, or how much it’s worth? Don’t stress! We have all the information you’ll need before selling your phone online.

    No Phone is Created Equal

    All smartphones may serve the same general purpose, but in no way are they created equal when reselling. When selling your smartphone, it’s important to know what phones are in high demand, as well as the condition of your phone. These two factors determine the best time for you to sell your phone and receive maximum profit. Phones, much like cars, have an accelerated depreciation rate, and once the car leaves the lot, the value decreases instantly. Continue reading

  • The Next Big Thing Is Here – Google Launches Project Tango

    3-D Phone Mapping

    Just when we thought smartphones couldn’t become any more intelligent, Google, and its Advanced Technology and Projects Department (ATAP) is launching its latest initiative. Project Tango is an innovative take on 3D-sensing technology, allowing a smartphone to interpret an area from a three-dimensional perspective. ATAP’s technical program lead, Johnny Lee, says, "The goal of Project Tango is to give mobile devices a human-scale understanding of space and motion."

    Just when we thought smartphones couldn’t become any more intelligent, Google, and its Advanced Technology and Projects Department (ATAP) is launching its latest initiative. Project Tango is an innovative take on 3D-sensing technology, allowing a smartphone to interpret an area from a three-dimensional perspective. ATAP’s technical program lead, Johnny Lee, says, "The goal of Project Tango is to give mobile devices a human-scale understanding of space and motion."  The current model being used by developers is a 5-inch powerhouse, and highly resembles many white smartphones currently on the market. What sets the Android-powered Project Tango phone apart is its remarkable ability to render more than 250,000 measurements per second. Google anticipates that these features will have many applications including, gaming and indoor navigation being the notable among them.  Despite the broad vision that Google has for its latest project, Tango is still in the early stages of development. Prototypes will be distributed to developers in universities, and tech hubs around mid-March, all of whom Google has specifically hand picked.   The intention of giving it to developers is to have software focused on making full use of Project Tango’s capabilities. 3D gaming, navigation, mapping, and data processing are areas in which we can expect software to be developed.  Critics of Project Tango say that the technology being employed is nothing noteworthy, and that there have been similar uses of 3D sensing technology before. Lance Ulanoff of Mashable tells of his experience with Microsoft, where he was shown a device called the “Beamatron.” The mechanism was able to map the topography of the space in which it was contained, then project objects into the environment. Ulanoff was even allowed to control a virtual car via an Xbox 360 controller. Though the car was an illusion, it responded to objects as if it were physically present. At a certain point, the car drove up the side of a box, rolled sideway down an incline, and ran into a wall.  It’s no surprise that critics like Ulanoff and others, are opposed to Google’s efforts to “confine” such technology onto a “tiny” 4.5-inch screen, when they have had such hands-on experiences with the innovative, 3D mapping technology. Some argue that features such as these are only effectively represented through mediums such as the Xbox One’s Kinect, which appears to users via an HDTV screen.  Regardless, Google seems to be on the verge of rolling out a smartphone that is unlike anything we’ve ever seen. Project Tango’s release date has not been set, but we’ll be sure to keep you updated with all of the latest news. Find out more at Best Skins Ever

    The current model being used by developers is a 5-inch powerhouse, and highly resembles many white smartphones currently on the market. What sets the Android-powered Project Tango phone apart is its remarkable ability to render more than 250,000 measurements per second. Google anticipates that these features will have many applications including, gaming and indoor navigation being the notable among them.

    Despite the broad vision that Google has for its latest project, Tango is still in the early stages of development. Prototypes will be distributed to developers in universities, and tech hubs around mid-March, all of whom Google has specifically hand picked.

    The intention of giving it to developers is to have software focused on making full use of Project Tango’s capabilities. 3D gaming, navigation, mapping, and data processing are areas in which we can expect software to be developed.

    Critics of Project Tango say that the technology being employed is nothing noteworthy, and that there have been similar uses of 3D sensing technology before. Lance Ulanoff of Mashable tells of his experience with Microsoft, where he was shown a device called the “Beamatron.” The mechanism was able to map the topography of the space in which it was contained, then project objects into the environment. Ulanoff was even allowed to control a virtual car via an Xbox 360 controller. Though the car was an illusion, it responded to objects as if it were physically present. At a certain point, the car drove up the side of a box, rolled sideway down an incline, and ran into a wall.

    It’s no surprise that critics like Ulanoff and others, are opposed to Google’s efforts to “confine” such technology onto a “tiny” 4.5-inch screen, when they have had such hands-on experiences with the innovative, 3D mapping technology. Some argue that features such as these are only effectively represented through mediums such as the Xbox One’s Kinect, which appears to users via an HDTV screen.

    Regardless, Google seems to be on the verge of rolling out a smartphone that is unlike anything we’ve ever seen. Project Tango’s release date has not been set, but we’ll be sure to keep you updated with all of the latest news.

  • “Naked” Phones are in. Let Your Phone Run Wild and Free!

    Form Vs. Functionality – The Battle on Using a Cellphone Case

    Naked Cell Phones- Best Skins EverA new trend is emerging among cellphone owners: people wanting to show off their devices and forgo using cases. Phone manufacturers have been spending as much time making their phones look cool, as they have making sure that they work well. It’s becoming more and more important in this market to have your phone look “cool,” and design plays a major role in selling devices, as evidenced by the new iPhone 5s, which is available in 3 new colors. Some phones offer a slick, glossy design theme, while others boast a frosted chrome finish. Whatever device suits your preference, the question of the case comes into play in all instances. Continue reading

  • Zollotech Reviews Best Skins Ever iPad Air Screen Protector

    Big thanks to Zollotech for their great review of the iPad Air screen protector from Best Skins Ever! We really appreciate your continued use and reviews of our products. Definitely looking forward to 2014 and creating new skins as new devices are released.

    Be sure to check out Zollotech’s review of Best Skins Ever iPad Air cover and their website below!

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