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Apple iPhone 5 vs. Samsung Galaxy S3

The latest attack ads from Samsung against Apple have been nothing if not hilarious. Observe …

When it comes down to it, Apple fans will buy iPhones and Apple haters will buy Droids (or, in some cases, Blackberries). But for the undecided voters, let’s take an unbiased look at the benefits and criticisms of Apple’s newest smartphone, the iPhone 5, and its main competitor, Samsung’s Galaxy S3. It quickly becomes clear why Apple people love Apple … and why Android people dislike Apple.

iOS vs. Android OS

One of the many hot button issues is performance. Android fans love the Android Operating system and the myriad of Google services that make life great. Then there are those who downloaded iOS 6 as soon as the new operating system became available for iPhone users. The new Apple processor once again provides the smooth, user-friendly experience that Apple fans have come to love over the years.

Broadband Connectivity

With much of the upper echelon Android manufacturers championing 4G LTE for years, Apple entered the highest level of broadband with the launch of the iPhone 5. Apple fans rejoiced at the potential held by the marriage of Apple technology and lighting fast 4G, while Android fans criticized Apple for being late to the dance.


First impressions, as in any new relationship, mean a lot. When you lay your eyes on a new phone, you want to see yourself holding it, playing with it … loving it. Design is important.

Apple has championed the importance of design for decades. The iPhone 5 gives Apple fans the sleek, metallic design that they’ve come to love – and they’ve made it sleeker and more metallic. The new 4-inch Retina display was possibly Apple’s most rumored and highly anticipated feature leading up to the phone’s release.

Samsung has taken a page out of the Apple book and used the S3 to combine good product design, which consumers love, with the Android operating system which makes Android the force that it is. The Super AMOLED screen is impressive in its own right, with many critics claiming the new Samsung rivals Apple at it’s own game.

At the end of the day, whether you prefer Apple or Samsung, make sure your newest toy is safely protected. iPhone skins and Samsung Screen protectors provide new phone consumers with the piece of mind knowing their shiny new toys are safer, while the clear film preserves the design of the phone that you fell in love with.